So its convenient, and if you don't get to see everything in your trip to the zoo, it will only cost you about 5 bucks metro fare to come back. Also the beverage stands throughout the park aren't as ridiculously overpriced as one might think. A nice panda souvenir cup of soda was only $3.25, tho I found it odd I got my 75 cents change back in nickels. They also don't give you straws because it could be some sort of safety hazard for the animals. Of course you can also just bring your own food and drinks in with you.
I spent an afternoon there over the weekend with Becky, and we managed to check out lots but not all of the park. A helpful note, make sure to wear comfortable walking shoes, because you'll be doing a lot of it. As with any public park/zoo there are a lot of other people around some being children. I can usually ignore them, but I think that if your kid needs a stroller they shouldn't be allowed in the zoo to scream in my ear every time they see an animal. I also had another interesting experience with a kid at the zoo, no... not like that.
I was trying to take a picture of some animal in an outdoor exhibit on the Asia trail. All of the sudden I feel this pull against my shirt on the left side, and I knew for a fact it wasn't Becky since she was off too my right. I just ignore it because I'm trying to take my picture still and figure someone just brushed up against me. But then again I feel a tug and this time more insistent and repeatedly. So I turn and look down at my shirt and their is this little Asian girl tugging on the corner. She's not even looking at me, she's looking off at something and trying to pull me towards it. So I kind of just stare at her and say something witty along the lines of "Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm excuse me??" Then she finally looks up at me, realizes I'm not her daddy, and runs off. Kids these days.
Speaking of pictures(well I kind of was), I've got a new set of animals to look at. Check em out by clicking The Bear! The Bear! All covered in hair!

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