So I do remember the actual sport of baseball as a good times and as such I try to attend a game or two a year. JaxJaggyWires is a Marlins fan, and since they were playing in DC vs the Nats for the season opener he wanted to go. I said "Sho y not?" and we headed off on Monday to RFK Stadium. Tickets for this game were not exactly plentiful and we ended up getting stuck in the upper deck outfield (We plan to go again next month I think and we got seats in the lower level behind the plate somewhere.) This greatly hampered my photography ambitions, as I was forced to use the 10x optical zoom to even attempt to capture something worth a damn. Also my hands (as well as the knee I used to set the camera on) are not as steady as I would like. Still I managed to get some nice shots in. I've upgraded my flickr account so people can see the pics in full or at least my determined resolutions. Click the pic to check them out.

Regarding the title, if you weren't aware: The Nationals Suck. Big time. Now to be fair, I believe this was expected. I don't know who all they lost, but I do know they lost the most important thing. Any talent whatsoever. I don't believe they have any pitching, and they cant hit worth shit either. Basically the Marlins destroyed them 9-2. The Nats just gave up run after run, and I think even walked someone in. It was very pathetic. So I wasn't really expecting much out of them and that's basically what I got. I'm not that bothered by it, at least we got to see some dingers and JJW went home happy for once. He got even happier later in the evening when the Gators won their second straight NCAA tourney title. University of Florida Gators RULE!!!
Also just to post the first Werd Of Jander Video, here's a clip of people doing the Wave, and JaxJaggyWires cheering for the Marlins.
The very name of the Nationals conjures up a single meaning for me: "Fuck Washington."
Where else could a team claim to be The Nationals? Anywhere in the nation. If things don't work out there, they can jump to another city and not even change their name. Not that there's any good reason to keep such a generic title. Worse, it's not even a generic name that sounds like a failed attempt at inspiration, like "The Champions," or "The Sluggers." Instead they sound like the first team you'd play against in a non-licensed baseball game on the NES. They might as well make Glass Joe their mascot, and get it over with.
I think I'm so bitter because my home town purchased their own weak-ass baseball team about ten years ago. In a secret midnight meeting, the town council had agreed to pay half of the town's budget to build a stadium. In return, said team adopted the name, "The Carolina Mudcats." Which is fine and all, except Carolina didn't just pay them two million dollars. We did. The fact that their name allows them to move anywhere within two different states and still keep their team identity is something that has come up in subsequent talks. Luckily, they haven't been offered enough money to flee yet.
(Note: The previous, deleted, comment had an editing error. Otherwise, the hate-filled text remains unchanged.)
Monday was a good day, indeed...finally saw a Marlins victory firsthand, and my Gators got their second straight NCAA Tournament title.
Now today, it's announced that the coach, Billy Donovan, is staying in Gainesville, instead of leaving for friggin Kentucky.
Good times, man...good times.
Thanks for writing this.
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