At any rate, the old cell phone has been turned off, perhaps never to be turned on again. Then again, one of the reasons I needed a new cell phone was because that one kept turning on, despite its not being off to begin with. Perhaps if I opened this one up I'd find gremlins, but since I tend to have a lot of water around me that might be dangerous for all mankind.
I managed to get out to the Sprint store over the weekend, and for once they actually were open AND had the phone I was looking for, the Sanyo M1.

I find the layout and key sensitivity adequate for texting, and the screen is nice and crisp, including the outside LCD. Haven't much tested out its battery since I am pretty much ingrained into my habit of needing to plug my phone in when I get home. Some other nifty features which I have since found include multiple vibrate settings(You know you want it ladies!), handy news, sports and weather updates(including radar!). It also supports sprint TV, but I haven't yet had an opportunity to check that out. I can plug it into my computer via USB, but I don't yet know why I would.
Too make a long story short.... I like my new phone and its a lot nicer than my last one. Now you know.
cool. that's the same phone i've been looking at. i'm also a sprint user but have a ways to go before i can upgrade.
just don't throw the old one in the trash. i did that with my last phone and i later learned that was illegal!!! this is what they say at wirefly where i got my phone
Yeah I think they have a box for recycling phones at my bank, and maybe even my so called church.
I'm definitely still digging the new one.
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