Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Giant Reptile Actionfigure War 2

I picked up GRAW2 over the weekend. I've been a big fan of Tom Clancy for years and I was happy when the original game came out that it didn't suck ass. In fact I very much think it kicked ass. It kicked so much ass that I bought downloadable content for the game before I even owned my own copy of the game(Dont ask).

So it was with much excitement that I boldly hunkered down on my couch, with my tv shining brightly, my 360 purring not so softly as it spun up GRAW the second. So far it hasn't disappointed. The graphics are of course spectacular and the game plays like anyone who loved the first would hope (i.e. they didn't go crazy and change everything) They even made some improvements I think. Your squad members aren't completely stupid as often as they were in the first game. They also shout out somewhat useful information like "2 bad guys to the North!" They also introduced medikits and a medic class of squad member, but to be honest so far I've just always ditched the medic for more firepower. I don't need some half assed soldier on my team.

They slightly revamped the system for controlling vehicles where you can actually take over control of some of them and move them around in first person mode, you can even do this through the eyes of your squad. I haven't really found this necessary yet, but its a cool little feature I suppose. I'm hoping you can do something like that in co-op mode but I don't want to get my hopes up.

Am I the only person left in the world who sometimes just wants to play video games and doesn't want to waste time on the so called story? I mean let's face it for the most part video game plots aren't anything special, for military games especially. Bad guys have weapons and they want to hurt you and yours stop them! But no, im forced to sit in a jeep, looking around like a dumbass with nothing to do, while person after person and news report after news report pop on my screen. It makes me want to shoot them. So please game designers, let me skip cutscenes. It rips my heart in triplicate when I press start during a videogame movie element and it pauses rather than vanishes.

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