After they both passed on we went without for awhile until picking up a beautiful Samoyed named Slick from my dad's sister. I may have had other pets throughout the years, a fish or two perhaps, but never anything pet-able that I recall other than the three dogs. Slick eventually passed on and since my parents were planning to start remodeling the house for eventual resale it was decided there were to be no more dogs. This of course left me saddened to some extent. I didn't think about it all the time of course but on occasion I would reminisce about the old days of having a nice pet to come home and say Hi to.
So a couple weeks ago my girlfriend came into some extra cash and we went to a Pet Store to pick out a fish for a friend of hers. We were wandering around and saw an absolutely adorable little guinea pig, and she persuaded me into getting him. She actually bought him for me and a nice little edible house for him, while I picked out a big cage/starter kit. We brought him back to his new home and he seemed to fit in nicely. He's a bit shy at times but once you have him nice and steady on your lap or chest or something he is awful friendly and cuddly. We named him Snuggles.

Since having a guinea pig was a new experience for me, I did a lot of reading on the subject and a common theme throughout was that they are very social. Since we had a somewhat large cage I decided to buy one for Becky to keep at my place. After positively confirming Snuggles' gender and searching a couple local stores we found another guinea pig that could compete in adorability. Becky loved him and we walked out delighted. After some thought she ended up on the name Patches.

They seem to get along great, there was no real fighting when they first met. Sometimes they might try and shoo the other away from hay they are eating, but I've also seen one peacefully grab a piece of hay from the others mouth. They fucking love eating hay, tho they love eating carrots, lettuce, parsley, apples, bananas and who knows what else. They seem very happy, they run around and chirp and wurble and are tremendously entertaining to watch at play. I want to build them a really big cage/playhouse so they can just goof off and exercise whenever they want.
I still miss my dogs, it was nice to have a pet that waited and greeted me when I got home. A pet that didn't shy away from me a lot, and that I didn't have to pick up to let play. But I dare anyone to tell me that these two guinea pigs aren't cute as fucking hell.